4th International Recycling Forum Wiesbaden

10th to the 11th of December 2024

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04. September 2023

10 Years of Successful PRE®-SYSTEM

Wir feiern Jubiläum

The PRE-SYSTEM for the collection and disposal of unusable plant protection products and other chemicals from agriculture is entering its 10th anniversary season this year. With RIGK as the system operator, PRE "Crop Protection Products Take-Back and Disposal" (Pflanzenschutzmittel-Rücknahme und Entsorgung) will offer collections at 8 locations across the country in November of this year in addition to its usual services.

In its 10 years of existence, the PRE-SYSTEM has established itself as an essential pillar for sustainable agriculture and responsible care since its foundation in 2013. It ensures the safe and environmentally friendly removal of no longer usable plant protection products. The range of items accepted by PRE includes not only non-applicable plant protection products but also other agricultural chemicals such as cleaning agents, oils, seed dressings, fertilizers, treated seeds, fats, and colors.

Since its establishment, PRE has made significant progress in the collection of chemicals. Up to now, 542 tons have been collected, and more than 2400 end users have utilized the system since its inception. The success story dates back even further if we consider activities before the establishment of PRE: since 2006, more than 10,700 end users have been counted, handing over a total of 1088 tons to the responsible hands of RIGK.

Dr. Volker Kaus, Legal and Plant Protection Business Expert at the Agricultural Industry Association e.V. (IVA), who has accompanied PRE responsibly for IVA as its initiator from the beginning, emphasizes the success story: "In the last 10 years, RIGK, in cooperation with IVA, has achieved a lot through continuous market observation and associated quality improvements. The so far taken-back chemicals illustrate this. PRE demonstrates the unconditional need for such a sustainable system for agriculture. We are proud to continue supporting agriculture in the spirit of responsible care with PRE in the future."

With a focus on a successful future for PRE, the system's website has been revised according to modern standards and supplemented with new features. It offers a user-friendly collection point search and an interactive question/answer format, making it easier for users to find information to optimize the use of the system's services. Additionally, it provides further information about PRE, including the locations and collection dates for 2023 and the acceptance conditions. The toll-free service number 0800 3086001 (within Germany) is still available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (except on holidays) to address individual inquiries.

As the system operator of PRE, RIGK thanks all system users for the fruitful collaboration over the last 10 years and looks forward to a successful partnership in the future. Only through joint efforts can a more sustainable agriculture be achieved!

PRE® is an initiative of the Agricultural Industry Association e. V. (IVA), Frankfurt am Main, which represents the interests of the agrochemical industry in Germany. PRE® is a trademark of IVA.