Your suitable packaging with recycled content:

RecyClass – Recyclability & Recycled Content

RecyClass certification of the recyclability of your plastic packaging. Assessment of recyclability with a European perspective. Design for recycling criteria are used as a basis for testing the way packaging reacts to collection, sorting and recycling processes.


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Your suitable packaging with recycled content

Our database gives you an overview of the packaging solutions currently available with a minimum recyclate content of 30%.

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RecyClass developed several types of recyclability assessments for plastic packaging, answering the needs of the entire plastic value chain:

  • Design for Recycling Certification classifies qualitatively from A to F the technical recyclability of final plastic packaging.
  • Recyclability Rate Certification rates the effective recyclability of final plastic packaging in a specific geographical area.
  • Letter of compatibility evaluates qualitatively the recyclability of semi-finished packaging.

RecyClass Recycalbility

Obtain comprehensive information on RecyClass and the Recyclability assessment.

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RecyClass Online Tool

You can now have the recyclability of your packaging assessed free of charge for an initial appraisal. You can then use the assessment as a basis for further certification by us.

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RecyClass Recycled Content

The Recycled Plastics Traceability Audit Scheme assesses the physical traceability of recycled plastic material throughout all the actors of the value chain, while verifying the origin of pre- and post-consumer material in product claims.

Certification is based on the EN 15343:2007 standard and the principles of a controlled blending chain of custody model as defined in ISO 22095:2020.

Advantages of certification:

  • Facilitates the traceability of recycled materials along the value chain
  • Promotes transparent use of recycled plastic in new products
  • Reinforces reliable and verifiable claims on recycled plastic
  • Increases trust among consumers

RecyClass Recycled Content

Get detailed information on RecyClass and the Recycled Content assessment.

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Do you have any questions?

Then simply call us, or send us an email! Your contact is happy to assist you personally with additional information, and will advise you on all recovery and recycling topics.

Konstantin Humm
Konstantin HummManager PlastCert / Environmental Management