25. November 2019
New to the RIGK family: plastship (your plastic recycling network) is the network for recycled plastics as well as associated services which aims to use more recycled plastics and promote the circular economy. The start-up ensures greater exposure and reach for providers of recycled plastic and, as a sales tool, efficiently puts them in contact with potential clients from the plastics processing industry. plastship offers plastics processors the opportunity to identify suitable recycling plastics or services, compare offers and initiate transactions. To close the cycle, plastship offers straightforward and scalable certification for the recyclability of packaging and products. The certification for packaging corresponds to the minimum standards of the Central Agency Packaging Register and represents the starting point for optimising recyclability, establishing recovery systems and using plastics recyclates. Successes in sustainability can be communicated to customers with plastship.
Find out more in the information brochure or go to plastship.com.
plastship – Your plastic recycling network
Further Information:
plastship GmbH
Andreas Bastian, General Manager
Tel.: +49 6126 - 58 980 - 12