14. October 2024
The VerenA-SYSTEM (Packaging Recovery for Agriculture) will open up for the take-back of further packaging materials from agriculture from 01.01.2025. The new collection system was successfully launched in 2023 for the take-back of agricultural Big Bags for non-hazardous filling materials and associated transport and secondary packaging.
In response to the growing demand from agricultural sector for a take-back service for agricultural plastic and paper sacks from the fertilizer, seed and animal feed sectors, we will be offering your end customers starting next year the convenience of returning other empty packaging to the nearby collection points of the agricultural trade.
By integrating the new packaging into the VerenA-SYSTEM, we make the licensing process easier for you as the distributor of this packaging and at the same time generate the opportunity for high-quality recycling of the returned materials. The packaging can now be dropped off at over 250 VerenA collection points, also in combination with other films and packaging from the PAMIRA and ERDE systems.
Which RIGK packaging materials can de additionally licensed in the VerenA-SYSTEM from 2025?
Would you like to join VerenA-SYSTEM as a licensee?
Participation in the system takes place by signing the VerenA take-back system participation agreement and the trademark user agreement concerning the use of the VerenA trademark.
Once you have sent us the signed documents, the agreements will be countersigned by RIGK at short notice. You will then receive the finalized contract documents. At the same time, we will send you the VerenA logo in various formats as a print template for labeling your packaging materials.
Are you already a VerenA customer?
If you are already a VerenA customer, you will be able to license additional packaging materials in the VerenA-SYSTEM from 01.01.2025. The licensing requires a separate written agreement that can be sent to you upon request. This regulates the license fees as well as the terms of acceptance for the return of the empty VerenA packaging by the end customer.
How high are the license fees for VerenA packaging materials?
Should you require detailed information or personal advice regarding the VerenA license fees, please contact us directly to receive your offer.
How is the quantity report for VerenA packaging materials submitted?
Annual quantity notifications are submitted via the VerenA customer portal at verena-report.de. The administrative processing of the quantity notifications is handled neutrally by an independent trustee.
We will be happy to advise you personally on packaging licensing and operational takeback in VerenA-SYSTEM.
Further informationen:
Iryna Hrabenko
Customer Relationship Manager, RIGK GmbH
Phone.: +49 611 308600-58
Jens Dambeck
System Manager PICKUP-& VerenA-SYSTEM, RIGK GmbH
Phone.: +49 611 308600-38