Your suitable packaging with recycled content:

PlastCert – Certification of recyclability and recycled content, recycling process, as well as inspection of recyclates and individual consulting

Under the name PlastCert, RIGK offers you support for sustainable use of your plastic products and packaging. We provide advice and certification for this purpose in cooperation with RecyClass, which is a Plastic Recycler Europe initiative, as well as with RIGK specialist departments and our plastship subsidiary. Join us in developing sustainable approaches for recovering and recycling your packaging and plastics.

Have your plastic packaging and products certified.

Obtain support from experts with years of experience in all aspects of recycling, the circular economy and the recovery and recycling of plastics. Please also feel free to consult us concerning specific questions and projects.

my recycled content

Your suitable packaging with recycled content

Our database gives you an overview of the packaging solutions currently available with a minimum recyclate content of 30%.

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RecyClass – Recyclability & Recycled Content

Certification of packaging and plastic products.

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Consulting and individual solutions

Advice on the recovery and recirculation of packaging and recyclable materials.

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Do you have any questions?

Then simply call us, or send us an email! Your contact is happy to assist you personally with additional information, and will advise you on all recovery and recycling topics.

Konstantin Humm
Konstantin HummManager PlastCert / Environmental Management