4th International Recycling Forum Wiesbaden

10th to the 11th of December 2024

Your suitable packaging with recycled content:


10. October 2023

Successful Start of VerenA – The Circular System for Agricultural Big Bags Proves Itself in Practice

Wiesbaden, October 2023 – Since spring 2023, the VerenA-SYSTEM (Verpackungsentsorgung Agrar [Packaging Recovery for Agriculture ]) has enabled the recycling of used, licensed Big B   ags from agriculture. In line with extended producer responsibility, producers and distributors offer their customers an innovative take-back service, established by RIGK in cooperation with the associations:

This service, which has already achieved considerable success, allows agricultural end-users to return licensed, empty agricultural Big Bags and their associated transport- and secondary packaging for free. In the first year alone, approximately 200 collection points have been set up at cooperatives, agricultural traders, and conveniently located waste management companies. Farmers can return the Big Bags, previously filled with products such as seeds or fertilisers. At the halfway point, the results exceed expectations: the traders are actively participating, and there is consistently positive feedback from agricultural businesses regarding the new offering. Specific information on collection points and dates can be found on the VerenA website under the collection point search.

Dr. Michael Reininger, an expert in agricultural resources at the German Raiffeisen Association e.V. (DRV), visited the VerenA collection point in Alzey to witness the practical process. It is operated by Jakob Becker Entsorgungs GmbH, Dr. Reininger was impressed by the smooth implementation of the take-back system: "The introduction of the VerenA-SYSTEM is an important step for sustainability in the agricultural value chain – plastics are taken back and properly recycled. We are very satisfied with RIGK as a system partner and appreciate the consistently positive feedback from our members and their agricultural customers. The closely-knit and professionally operated VerenA location network contributes to farmers easily fulfilling their environmental responsibilities."

Iryna Hrabenko and Jens Dambeck from the VerenA Team at RIGK, along with Dr. Michael Reininger from DRV, at the collection point for agricultural Big Bags in Alzey. © RIGK

The nationwide opportunity for the smooth return of agricultural Big Bags is exceptionally well received by agricultural businesses. VerenA System Manager Jens Dambeck aims to make the take-back system even more widely known and firmly established in the agricultural sector: "We are pleased with the positive response in the industry and the already high volume of returned Big Bags. This illustrates the environmentally conscious actions of agriculture. We will continue to work hard to expand the service and gain more agricultural trading partners as collection points."

The establishment of the VerenA-SYSTEM is a significant step towards sustainability and resource conservation in German agriculture. With the increasing use of packaging in agriculture, efficient recycling of bundled plastics creates added value and substantial relief. The key to successfully utilizing reusable materials is high material purity and short delivery routes. Both are ensured by the targeted return of these packaging materials to locations close to agriculture and contributing to climate protection. VerenA helps close the material cycle and reduce CO2 emissions. The system is financed by the fillers and distributors of packaged products. Further information about the system and participation can be found on the VerenA website.

Further Informationen:
Jens Dambeck, System Manager
Phone: +49 611 308600-38


          Iryna Hrabenko, Customer Relationship Manager
          Phone: +49 611 308600-58